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add(Runner) - Method in interface com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup
Adds a runner to be run asynchronously.
addAsyncHandler(ErrHandler) - Static method in exception class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.Err
Adds an ErrHandler object which is executed asynchronously just after an Err is created.
addSyncHandler(ErrHandler) - Static method in exception class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.Err
Adds an ErrHandler object which is executed synchronously just after an Err is created.
AsyncGroup - Interface in com.github.sttk.sabi
AsyncGroup is the inferface to execute added Runner(s) asynchronously.
AsyncGroup.RunnerFailed - Record Class in com.github.sttk.sabi
RunnerFailed is an error reason which indicates that a Runner failed.
AsyncGroup.RunnerInterrupted - Record Class in com.github.sttk.sabi
RunnerInterrupted is an error reason which indicates that a Runner's thread is interrupted.


begin() - Method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase
Begins a transaction processing.


close() - Method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase
Closes and frees all local DaxSrc(s).
close() - Method in interface com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxConn
Closes this connection.
close() - Method in interface com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxSrc
Closes this data source.
close() - Static method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.Sabi
Closes and frees each resource of registered global DaxSrc objects.
com.github.sttk.sabi - module com.github.sttk.sabi
Defines the module of sabi framework.
com.github.sttk.sabi - package com.github.sttk.sabi
com.github.sttk.sabi.errs - package com.github.sttk.sabi.errs
This package contains modules related to errors for sabi framework.
commit() - Method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase
Commits updates in a transaction processing.
commit(AsyncGroup) - Method in interface com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxConn
Commits updates to a target data store in a transaction.
createDaxConn() - Method in interface com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxSrc
Creates a DaxConn object which represents a connection to this data source.
CreatedDaxConnIsNull(String) - Constructor for record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.CreatedDaxConnIsNull
Creates an instance of a CreatedDaxConnIsNull record class.


Dax - Interface in com.github.sttk.sabi
Dax is the interface for a set of data access methods.
DaxBase - Class in com.github.sttk.sabi
DaxBase is the class that defines the methods to manage DaxSrc(s).
DaxBase() - Constructor for class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase
The default constructor.
DaxBase.CreatedDaxConnIsNull - Record Class in com.github.sttk.sabi
CreatedDaxConnIsNull is the error reason which indicates that a DaxSrc created a DaxConn interface but it is null.
DaxBase.DaxSrcIsNotFound - Record Class in com.github.sttk.sabi
DaxSrcIsNotFound is the error reason which indicates that a specified DaxSrc is not found.
DaxBase.FailToCommitDaxConn - Record Class in com.github.sttk.sabi
FailToCommitDaxConn is the error reason which indicates that some connections failed to commit.
DaxBase.FailToCreateDaxConn - Record Class in com.github.sttk.sabi
FailToCreateDaxConn is the error reason which indicates that it is failed to create a new connection to a data store.
DaxBase.FailToRunLogic - Record Class in com.github.sttk.sabi
FailToRunLogic is the error reason which indicates that a logic failed to run.
DaxBase.FailToSetupGlobalDaxSrcs - Record Class in com.github.sttk.sabi
FailToSetupGlobalDaxSrcs is the error reason which indicates that some DaxSrc(s) failed to set up.
DaxBase.FailToSetupLocalDaxSrc - Record Class in com.github.sttk.sabi
FailToSetupLocalDaxSrc is the error reason which indicates a local DaxSrc failed to set up.
DaxConn - Interface in com.github.sttk.sabi
DaxConn is the interface that represents a connection to a data store.
DaxSrc - Interface in com.github.sttk.sabi
DaxSrc is the interface that represents a data source like database, etc.,and creates a DaxConn which is a connection to the data source.
DaxSrcIsNotFound(String) - Constructor for record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.DaxSrcIsNotFound
Creates an instance of a DaxSrcIsNotFound record class.
disuses(String) - Method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase
Closes and removes a local DaxSrc specified by the argument name.


end() - Method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase
Ends a transaction.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup.RunnerFailed
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup.RunnerInterrupted
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.CreatedDaxConnIsNull
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.DaxSrcIsNotFound
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToCommitDaxConn
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToCreateDaxConn
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToRunLogic
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToSetupGlobalDaxSrcs
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToSetupLocalDaxSrc
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.Para.FailToRunInParallel
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.Para.RunInParallelExceptionOccurs
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
Err - Exception Class in com.github.sttk.sabi.errs
Err is the exception class with a reason.
Err(Record) - Constructor for exception class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.Err
A constructor which constructs a new Err instance with a specified reason.
Err(Record, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.Err
A constructor which constructs a new Err instance with a specified reason and an cause.
ErrHandler - Interface in com.github.sttk.sabi.errs
ErrHandler is a handler of an Err object creation.
ErrOcc - Class in com.github.sttk.sabi.errs
ErrOcc is the class which contains time and position in a source file when and where an Err occured.
ErrOcc(Err) - Constructor for class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.ErrOcc
The constructor which takes an Err object as an argument.
errors() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToCommitDaxConn
Returns the value of the errors record component.
errors() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToSetupGlobalDaxSrcs
Returns the value of the errors record component.
errors() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.Para.FailToRunInParallel
Returns the value of the errors record component.


FailToCommitDaxConn(Map<String, Err>) - Constructor for record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToCommitDaxConn
Creates an instance of a FailToCommitDaxConn record class.
FailToCreateDaxConn(String) - Constructor for record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToCreateDaxConn
Creates an instance of a FailToCreateDaxConn record class.
FailToRunInParallel(Map<Integer, Err>) - Constructor for record class com.github.sttk.sabi.Para.FailToRunInParallel
Creates an instance of a FailToRunInParallel record class.
FailToRunLogic(Class<? extends Logic>) - Constructor for record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToRunLogic
Creates an instance of a FailToRunLogic record class.
FailToSetupGlobalDaxSrcs(Map<String, Err>) - Constructor for record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToSetupGlobalDaxSrcs
Creates an instance of a FailToSetupGlobalDaxSrcs record class.
FailToSetupLocalDaxSrc(String) - Constructor for record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToSetupLocalDaxSrc
Creates an instance of a FailToSetupLocalDaxSrc record class.
fixCfg() - Static method in exception class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.Err
Fixes configuration of Err.
forceBack(AsyncGroup) - Method in interface com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxConn
Reverts updates forcely even if updates are already commited or this connection does not have rollback mechanism.


get(Enum<?>) - Method in exception class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.Err
Gets a field value of the reason object by the specified Enum name.
get(String) - Method in exception class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.Err
Gets a field value of the reason object by the specified name.
getDaxConn(String) - Method in interface com.github.sttk.sabi.Dax
Gets a DaxConn instance associated with the argument name.
getDaxConn(String) - Method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase
Gets a DaxConn instance associated with the argument name.
getFile() - Method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.ErrOcc
Gets the source file name where an Err occured.
getFileName() - Method in exception class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.Err
Gets the name of the source file of this error occurance.
getLine() - Method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.ErrOcc
Gets the line number where an Err occured.
getLineNumber() - Method in exception class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.Err
Gets the line number in the source file of this error occurence.
getMessage() - Method in exception class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.Err
Gets a message expresses the content of this exception.
getReason() - Method in exception class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.Err
Gets the reason's Record instance of this exception.
getReasonName() - Method in exception class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.Err
Gets the simple name of this reason's class.
getReasonPackage() - Method in exception class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.Err
Gets the package full name of this reason's class.
getSituation() - Method in exception class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.Err
Gets a map which contains variables that represent error situation.
getTime() - Method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.ErrOcc
Gets time when an Err occured.


handle(Err, ErrOcc) - Method in interface com.github.sttk.sabi.errs.ErrHandler
Handles an Err object creation.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup.RunnerFailed
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup.RunnerInterrupted
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.CreatedDaxConnIsNull
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.DaxSrcIsNotFound
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToCommitDaxConn
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToCreateDaxConn
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToRunLogic
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToSetupGlobalDaxSrcs
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToSetupLocalDaxSrc
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.Para.FailToRunInParallel
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.Para.RunInParallelExceptionOccurs
Returns a hash code value for this object.


isCommitted() - Method in interface com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxConn
Checks whether updates are already committed.


Logic<D> - Interface in com.github.sttk.sabi
Logic is the functional interface that represents a logical procedure.
logicType() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToRunLogic
Returns the value of the logicType record component.


name() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.CreatedDaxConnIsNull
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.DaxSrcIsNotFound
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToCreateDaxConn
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToSetupLocalDaxSrc
Returns the value of the name record component.


Para - Class in com.github.sttk.sabi
Para is a class to runs Runner(s) in parallel.
Para(Runner...) - Constructor for class com.github.sttk.sabi.Para
The constructor which takes an array of Runner(s) as arguments.
Para.FailToRunInParallel - Record Class in com.github.sttk.sabi
An error reason which indicates some runner which is runned in parallel failed.
Para.RunInParallelExceptionOccurs - Record Class in com.github.sttk.sabi
An error reason which indicates that an exception occurs in parallelized runner.


rollback() - Method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase
Rollbacks all updates in a transaction.
rollback(AsyncGroup) - Method in interface com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxConn
Rollbacks updates to a target data store in a transaction.
run() - Method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.Para
Runs the Runner(s) holding in this object in parallel.
run() - Method in interface com.github.sttk.sabi.Runner
Runs the procedure that this instance represents.
run() - Method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.Seq
Runs the Runner(s) holding in this object sequencially.
run(Runner...) - Static method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.Para
Runs the specified Runner(s) in parallel.
run(Runner...) - Static method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.Seq
Runs the specified Runner(s) sequencially.
run(D) - Method in interface com.github.sttk.sabi.Logic
Runs the logical procedure represented by this class.
RunInParallelExceptionOccurs() - Constructor for record class com.github.sttk.sabi.Para.RunInParallelExceptionOccurs
Creates an instance of a RunInParallelExceptionOccurs record class.
Runner - Interface in com.github.sttk.sabi
Runner is the interface that runs any procedure..
RunnerFailed() - Constructor for record class com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup.RunnerFailed
Creates an instance of a RunnerFailed record class.
RunnerInterrupted() - Constructor for record class com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup.RunnerInterrupted
Creates an instance of a RunnerInterrupted record class.


Sabi - Class in com.github.sttk.sabi
Sabi is the class that provies the static methods related to the global fanctionalities of sabi framework.
Seq - Class in com.github.sttk.sabi
Seq is a class to run Runner(s) sequencially.
Seq(Runner...) - Constructor for class com.github.sttk.sabi.Seq
The constructor which takes an array of Runner(s) as arguments.
setup() - Static method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.Sabi
Makes the globally registered DaxSrc object usable.
setup(AsyncGroup) - Method in interface com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxSrc
Sets up this data source.
startApp() - Static method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.Sabi
Executes setup method, and returns an AutoCloseable object of which close method executes close method of this class in it.


toString() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup.RunnerFailed
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup.RunnerInterrupted
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.CreatedDaxConnIsNull
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.DaxSrcIsNotFound
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToCommitDaxConn
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToCreateDaxConn
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToRunLogic
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToSetupGlobalDaxSrcs
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase.FailToSetupLocalDaxSrc
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.Para.FailToRunInParallel
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.github.sttk.sabi.Para.RunInParallelExceptionOccurs
Returns a string representation of this record class.
txn(Logic<D>...) - Method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase
Executes logics in a transaction.


uses(String, DaxSrc) - Method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.DaxBase
Registers and sets up a local DaxSrc with an argument name.
uses(String, DaxSrc) - Static method in class com.github.sttk.sabi.Sabi
Registers a global DaxSrc object with its name to enable to use DaxConn created by the argument DaxSrc in all transactions.
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