Interface DaxConn

public interface DaxConn
DaxConn is the interface that represents a connection to a data store. This interface declares methods: commit(com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup), rollback(com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup) and close() to work in a transaction process. commit(com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup) is the method for comming updates in a transaction. rollback(com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup) is the method for rollback updates in a transaction. If commiting and rollbacking procedures are asynchronous, the argument AsyncGroup(s) are used to process them. close() is the method to close this connection.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Closes this connection.
    Commits updates to a target data store in a transaction.
    Reverts updates forcely even if updates are already commited or this connection does not have rollback mechanism.
    default boolean
    Checks whether updates are already committed.
    default void
    Rollbacks updates to a target data store in a transaction.
  • Method Details

    • commit

      void commit(AsyncGroup ag) throws Err
      Commits updates to a target data store in a transaction. If the commit procedure is asynchronous, it is processed with an argument AsyncGroup object.
      ag - An AsyncGroup object which is used if this commit procedure is asynchronous.
      Err - If commiting updates fails.
    • isCommitted

      default boolean isCommitted()
      Checks whether updates are already committed.
      true if committed, or no rollback mechanism.
    • rollback

      default void rollback(AsyncGroup ag)
      Rollbacks updates to a target data store in a transaction. If the rollback procedure is asynchronous, it is processed with an argument AsyncGroup object.
      ag - An AsyncGroup object which is used if this rollback procedure is asynchronous.
    • forceBack

      void forceBack(AsyncGroup ag)
      Reverts updates forcely even if updates are already commited or this connection does not have rollback mechanism.
      ag - An AsyncGroup object which is used if this rollback procedure is asynchronous.
    • close

      void close()
      Closes this connection.