Interface DaxSrc

public interface DaxSrc
DaxSrc is the interface that represents a data source like database, etc.,and creates a DaxConn which is a connection to the data source. This interface declares three methods: setup(com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup), close(), and createDaxConn(). setup(com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup) is the method to connect to a data store and to prepare to create DaxConn objects which represents a connection to access data in the data store. If the set up procedure is asynchronous, the setup(com.github.sttk.sabi.AsyncGroup) method is implemented so as to use AsyncGroup. close() is the method to disconnect to a data store. createDaxConn() is the method to create a DaxConn object.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Closes this data source.
    Creates a DaxConn object which represents a connection to this data source.
    Sets up this data source.
  • Method Details

    • setup

      void setup(AsyncGroup ag) throws Err
      Sets up this data source.
      ag - An AsyncGroup object which is used if a setting up process is asynchronous.
      Err - If setting up pprocess is synchronous and fails.
    • close

      void close()
      Closes this data source.
    • createDaxConn

      DaxConn createDaxConn() throws Err
      Creates a DaxConn object which represents a connection to this data source.
      A DaxConn object.
      Err - If creating a DaxConn fails.