All Classes and Interfaces

AsyncGroup is the inferface to execute added Runner(s) asynchronously.
RunnerFailed is an error reason which indicates that a Runner failed.
RunnerInterrupted is an error reason which indicates that a Runner's thread is interrupted.
Dax is the interface for a set of data access methods.
DaxBase is the class that defines the methods to manage DaxSrc(s).
CreatedDaxConnIsNull is the error reason which indicates that a DaxSrc created a DaxConn interface but it is null.
DaxSrcIsNotFound is the error reason which indicates that a specified DaxSrc is not found.
FailToCommitDaxConn is the error reason which indicates that some connections failed to commit.
FailToCreateDaxConn is the error reason which indicates that it is failed to create a new connection to a data store.
FailToRunLogic is the error reason which indicates that a logic failed to run.
FailToSetupGlobalDaxSrcs is the error reason which indicates that some DaxSrc(s) failed to set up.
FailToSetupLocalDaxSrc is the error reason which indicates a local DaxSrc failed to set up.
DaxConn is the interface that represents a connection to a data store.
DaxSrc is the interface that represents a data source like database, etc.,and creates a DaxConn which is a connection to the data source.
Err is the exception class with a reason.
ErrHandler is a handler of an Err object creation.
ErrOcc is the class which contains time and position in a source file when and where an Err occured.
Logic is the functional interface that represents a logical procedure.
Para is a class to runs Runner(s) in parallel.
An error reason which indicates some runner which is runned in parallel failed.
An error reason which indicates that an exception occurs in parallelized runner.
Runner is the interface that runs any procedure..
Sabi is the class that provies the static methods related to the global fanctionalities of sabi framework.
Seq is a class to run Runner(s) sequencially.