Class: WindowConfig


This is the class to configure a Window object provided by jsdom.

This class provides the properties and the methods for positioning, resizing, opening and closing to a Window object.

new WindowConfig(initConfig)

Creates a new instance of this class.

Name Type Description
initConfig object | WindowConfig

An object to initialize a new instance.

Name Type Description
screen Screen

A window.screen object.

width number

The width of the window associated with this object.

height number

The height of the window associated with this object. number

The top edge size if the associated window is a frame.

frame.edgeSize.left number

The left edge size if the associated window is a frame

frame.edgeSize.right number

The right edge size if the associated window is a frame.

frame.edgeSize.bottom number

The bottom edge size if the associated window is a frame.

frame.minSize.width number

The minimum width if the associated window is a frame.

frame.minSize.height number

The minimum height if the associated window is a frame.

frame.minOpeningSize.width number

The minimum width when a frame window opens.

frame.minOpeningSize.height number

The mininum height when a frame window opens.

frame.minResizableSize.width number

The minimum resizable width if the associated window is a frame.

frame.minResizableSize.height number

The minimum resizable height if the associated window is a frame.

frame.openingShift.x number

The horizontal shift size when a frame window opens.

frame.openingShift.y number

The vertical shift size when a frame window opens. number

The top edge size if the associated window is a popup.

popup.edgeSize.left number

The left edge size if the associated window is a popup.

popup.edgeSize.right number

The right edge size if the associated window is a popup.

popup.edgeSize.bottom number

The bottom edge size if the associated window is a popup.

popup.minSize.width number

The minimum width if the associated window is a popup.

popup.minSize.height number

The minimum height if the associated window is a popup.

popup.minOpeningSize.width number

The minimum width when a popup window opens.

popup.minOpeningSize.height number

The minimum height when a popup window opens.

popup.minResziableSize.width number

The minimum resizable width if the associated window is a popup.

popup.minResziableSize.height number

The minimum resizable height if the associated window is a popup.

popup.openingShift.x number

The horizontal shift size when a popup window opens.

popup.openingShift.y number

The vertical shift size when a popup window opens.

zoom number

The zoom ratio of the associated window.

minZoom number

The minimum zoom ratio of the associated window.

maxZoom number

The maximum zoom ratio of the associated window.

name string

The name of the window associated with this object.

closed boolean

The closed flag of the window associated with this object.

isFrameWindow boolean

The flag to specify that the associated window is a frame or a popup.

edgeSize.width number

The horizontal edge size of the window associated with this object. This property switches the value by frame or popup.

edgeSize.height number

The vertical edge size of the window associated with this object. This property switches the value by frame or popup.

minSize.width number

The minimum width of the window associated with this object. This property switches the value by frame or popup.

minSize.height number

The minimum height of the window associated with this object. This property switches the value by frame or popup.

minResizableSize.width number

The minimum resizable width of the window associated with this object. This property switches the value by frame or popup.

minResizableSize.height number

The minimum resizable height of the window associated with this object. This property switches the value by frame or popup.

minOpeningSize.width number

The minimum width of the window associated with this object when opening. This property switches the value by frame or popup.

minOpeningSize.height number

The minimum height of the window associated with this object when opening. This property switches the value by frame or popup.

isMovableByScript boolean

The flag to specify that the window associated with this object is movable by script.

isResizableByScript boolean

The flag to specify that the window associated with this object is resizable by script.



Configures a Window object.

Name Type Description
window Window

A Window object to be configured by this object.

on(eventName, listener)

Adds an event listener called as executing the specified window operation.

Name Type Description
eventName string

A event name.

listener function

A event listener.

once(eventName, listener)

Adds an event listener called once as executing the specified window operation.

Name Type Description
eventName string

A event name.

listener function

A event listener.