@fav/type ver. 1.0.2 API document

formatDate(format [, opts]) : function

Creates a date format function which convert a date to a string in the specified format.

Conversion of each element field in format can be customized with the parameter opts, which is a plain object of which keys are field characters and of which values are converting functions.


Parameter Type Description
format string A date format string, which consists of the following date element fields.
opts object A plain object having pairs of a field character and a converting function.
Date element fields:
Character Description Example
'Y'* Full year. 'YYYY' => '2017'
'y'* Year of century (0〜±99). 'yy' => '17'
'M'* Month (1〜12) 'MM' => '11'
'Mmm' Month abbreviation 'Mmm' => 'Nov'
'Month' Month full name 'Month' => 'November'
'D'* Day of month (1〜31) 'DD' => '05'
'H'* Hours (0〜23) 'HH' => '14'
'm'* Minutes (0〜59) 'mm' => '45'
's'* Seconds (0〜59) 'ss' => '06'
'S'* Hours (0〜59) 'SSS' => '023'
'Www' Week abbreviation 'Www' => 'Sun'
'Week' Week full name 'Week' => 'Sunday'


A formatted string which represents the specified date.

Type: string

formatNumber(format [, rounding]) : function

Creates a number format function which convert a number to a string in the specified format.


Parameter Type Description
format string A number format string as follows.
rounding function A rounding function. (Optional, and Math.round in default.)
Number format

The regular expression of number format is as follows:


Following table is a set of examples of number formats:

Format Example (positive) Example (negative)
'+9' 123.4 => '+123' -123.4 => '-123'
'-9' 123.4 => '123' -123.4 => '-123'
'9' 123.4 => '123' -123.4 => '123'
'+9.000' 123.4 => '+123.400' -123.4 => '-123.400'
'-9.000' 123.4 => '123.400' -123.4 => '-123.400'
'9.000' 123.4 => '123.400' -123.4 => '123.400'
'+9,999' 1234.1 => '+1,234' -1234.1 => '-1,234'
'-9 99' 1234.1 => '12 34' -1234.1 => '-12 34'
'9_9999' 12345.1 => '1_2345' -12345.1 => '1_2345'
'+9,999.000' 12345.1 => '+12,345.100' -12345.1 => '-12,345.100'
'-9.999,000' 12345.1 => '12.345,100' -12345.1 => '-12.345,100'
'9 999.000' 12345.1 => '12 345.100' -12345.1 => '12 345.100'


A formatted string which represents the specified date.

Type: string

isArray(value) : boolean

Checks if value is an array.

This function returns false for typed-arrays, e.g. Int16Array.


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked.


True, if value is an array.

Type: boolean

isArray.not(value) : boolean

Checks if value is not an array.

This function returns true for typed-arrays, e.g. Int16Array.


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked.


True, if value is not an array.

Type: boolean

isEmpty(value) : boolean

Checks if value is empty.

Definition of "empty" is different by data type.

This function always returns false for other collections like Map, Set, typed-array and so on, because I think there are few needs to check them without knowing their data types. If data type of a collection is known, its own API to get size of itself should be used.


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked


True, if value is empty.

Type: boolean

isEmpty.not(value) : boolean

Checks if value is not empty.

This function always returns a negative boolean of isEmpty(value).


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked


True, if value is not empty.

Type: boolean

isFiniteNumber(value) : boolean

Checks if value is a number, which is neither a positive/negative infinity nor NaN.


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked.


True, if value is a finite number.

Type: boolean

isFiniteNumber.not(value) : boolean

Checks if value is not a finite number.

This function always returns a negative boolean of isFiniteNumber(value).


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked.


True, if value is not a finite number.

Type: boolean

isFunction(value) : boolean

Checks if value is a function.


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked.


True, if value is a function.

Type: boolean

isFunction.not(value) : boolean

Checks if value is not a function.

This function always returns a negative boolean of isFunction(value).


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked.


True, if value is not a function.

Type: boolean

isInteger(value) : boolean

Checks if value is an integer, which has no dicimal place and is neither a positive/negative infinity, nor NaN.


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked.


True, if value is an integer.

Type: boolean

isInteger.not(value) : boolean

Checks if value is not an integer.

This function always returns a negative boolean of isInteger(value).


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked.


True, if value is not an integer.

Type: boolean

isPlainObject(value) : boolean

Checks if value is a plain object.


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked.


True, if value is a plain object.

Type: boolean

isPlainObject.not(value) : boolean

Checks if value is not a plain object.

This function always returns a negative boolean of isPlainObject(value).


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked.


True, if value is not a plain object.

Type: boolean

isString(value) : boolean

Checks if value is an string.


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked.


True, if value is a string.

Type: boolean

isString.not(value) : boolean

Checks if value is not an string.

This function always returns a negative boolean of isString(value).


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked.


True, if value is not a string.

Type: boolean

isValidDate(value) : boolean

Checks if value is a valid date object.


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked.


True, if value is a valid date.

Type: boolean

isValidDate.not(value) : boolean

Checks if value is not a valid date object.

This function always returns a negative boolean of isValidDate(value).


Parameter Type Description
value any The value to be checked.


True, if value is not a valid date.

Type: boolean

toDate([ year ][, month ][, day ][, hour ][, min ][, sec ][, msec ]) : Date

Creates a Date object which represents a moment in time.


Parameter Type Description
year number An integer value represents a full year. This can be specified a year before 1900. (Optional)
month number An integer value represents a month, beginning with 0 for January to 11 for December. (Optional)
day number An integer value represents a day. (Optional)
hour number An integer value represents a hour. (Optional)
min number An integer value represents a minute. (Optional)
sec number An integer value represents a second. (Optional.)
msec number An integer value represents a millisecond. (Optional.)

Each element of date and time is set to the first value (zero, or one) if any leading elements are specified but the element is not specified, or is set to the current value if every leading elements and the element are not specified.


A date object which represents the specified date.

Type: Date

In addition, this function has a set of functions to convert a date format string to a date object as its properties. This function set provides functions supporting following date formats:

toDate['Y-M-D'](value) : Date

Converts a date format string separated by hyphens to a data object.

Parameter Type Description
value string The date format string like: "2017-09-30".

A Date object, or null if failing to convert.

Type: Date

toDate['Y-M-D H:m:s'](value) : Date

Converts a date-time format string separated by hyphens and colons to a data object.

Parameter Type Description
value string The date format string like: "2017-9-30 1:22:3.4".

A Date object, or null if failing to convert.

Type: Date

toDate['Y/M/D'](value) : Date

Converts a date format string separated by slashes to a data object.

Parameter Type Description
value string The date format string like: "2017/09/30".

A Date object, or null if failing to convert.

Type: Date

toDate['Y/M/D H:m:s'](value) : Date

Converts a date-time format string separated by slashes and colons to a data object.

Parameter Type Description
value string The date format string like: "2017/9/30 1:22:3.45".

A Date object, or null if failing to convert.

Type: Date

toDate.YYMMDD(value) : Date

Converts a date format string in fixed size to a data object.

Parameter Type Description
value string The date format string like: "170930".

A Date object, or null if failing to convert.

This format can represent a date within the range 100 years centered the current year. (If the current year is 2017, the range is 1967〜2066).

Type: Date

toDate.YYMMDDHHmmss(value) : Date

Converts a date format string in fixed size to a data object.

Parameter Type Description
value string The date format string like: "170930010203".

A Date object, or null if failing to convert.

This format can represent a date within the range 100 years centered the current year. (If the current year is 2017, the range is 1967〜2066).

Type: Date

toDate.YYYYMMDD(value) : Date

Converts a date format string in fixed size to a data object.

Parameter Type Description
value string The date format string like: "20170930".

A Date object, or null if failing to convert.

Type: Date

toDate.YYYYMMDDHHmmss(value) : Date

Converts a date format string in fixed size to a data object.

Parameter Type Description
value string The date format string like: "20170930010203".

A Date object, or null if failing to convert.

Type: Date

toDate.RFC2822(value) : Date

Converts a date format string according to RFC2822 to a data object.

Parameter Type Description
value string The date format string like "Sat, 30 Sep 2017 13:30:00 +0900"

A Date object, or null if failing to convert.

Type: Date

toDate.RFC3339(value) : Date

Converts a date format string according to RFC3339 to a data object.

Parameter Type Description
value string The date format string like "2017-09-30T13:30:00+09:00"

A Date object, or null if failing to convert.

Type: Date

toDate.ISO8601(value) : Date

Converts a date format string according to ISO8601 to a data object.

There are many formats in ISO8601: basic/extended, calendar-date/ordinal-date/week-date and expanded/non-expanded, and this function supports all formats of them.

Parameter Type Description
value string The date format string like "2017-09-30T13:30:00+09:00"

A Date object, or null if failing to convert.

Type: Date

toFiniteNumber(value [, defaultValue]): number

Converts a number or a string to a finite number. If value is neither a finite number nor a numeric string, this function returns NaN, or defaultValue if specified.

NOTE: Number('') and Number(' ') return 0. parseInt(' 123'), parseInt('123abc'), parseFloat(' 123') and parseFloat('123abc') return 123. However, this function returns NaN in all such cases.


Parameter Type Description
value any The number or string to be converted.
defaultValue any Is returned when failing to convert. (Optional)


The converted finite number, or NaN (or defaultValue if specified) when failing to convert.

Type: number

toInteger(value [, defaultValue]) : number

Converts a number or a string to an integer. If value is a floating point number, this function discard decimals. If value is neither an integer nor a numeric string, this function returns NaN, or defaultValue if specified.

NOTE: Number('') and Number(' ') return 0. parseInt(' 123'), parseInt('123abc'), parseFloat(' 123') and parseFloat('123abc') return 123. However, this function returns NaN in all such cases.


Parameter Type Description
value any The number or string to be converted.
defaultValue any Is returned when failing to convert. (Optional)


The converted integer value, or NaN (or defaultValue if specified) when failing to convert.

Type: number

toNumber(value [, defaultValue]): number

Converts a number or a string to a number. If value is neither a number nor a numeric string, this function returns NaN, or defaultValue if specified.

NOTE: Number('') and Number(' ') return 0. parseInt(' 123'), parseInt('123abc'), parseFloat(' 123') and parseFloat('123abc') return 123. However, this function returns NaN in all such cases.


Parameter Type Description
value any The number or string to be converted.
defaultValue any Is returned when failing to convert. (Optional)


The converted number, or NaN (or defaultValue if specified) when failing to convert.

Type: number