Module com.github.sttk.cliargs
Package com.github.sttk.cliargs.exceptions
package com.github.sttk.cliargs.exceptions
Provides the exception classes for parsing comand line arguments.
Exception ClassesClassDescriptionIs the exception which indicates that a type of a field of an option store is neither a boolean, a number, a string, nor an array of numbers or strings.Is the exception which indicates that an option configuration contradicts that the default arguments is not empty though it does not take option arguments.Is the exception which indicates that an option configuration contradicts that the option can take multiple arguments though it does not take option arguments.Is the exception which indicates that it is failed to set option arguments (including those from default values) to a field of an option store.Is the abstract class of the exception that provides a method to retrieve an option name.Is the exception which indicates that the option argument is invalidated by the validator in the option configuration.Is the exception which indicates that an invalid character is found in an option.Is the exception which indicates that the option is supposed to take one argument in the configuration, but multiple arguments are specified.Is the exception which indicates that there are duplicated opton names among the option configurations.Is the exception which indicates that the option requires arguments in the configuration, but no argument is specified.Is the exception which indicates that the option is not supposed to take an argument in configuration, but an argument is specified.Is the exception which indicates that there are duplicated store keys among multiple configurations.Is the exception which indicates that there is no configuration about the input option.